Nothing’s changed!
Although we have flipped the page of the calendar, do you think anything has really changed?
People are still struggling to stay safe and stay afloat. Especially those who have either lost their businesses or are forced to operate on a very small scale.

But I found this quote from Megan Rapinoe, a soccer player, really inspiring and thought it might resonate with you as well:
“No matter what life throws at you, or how unfair you think it is, never give up. Pick yourself up and go on.
Some of us have been lucky enough to have survived the past 12 months and want to make a difference in the world with our positive messages and life-changing solutions that we offer to our clients.
We must not forget its importance in this day and time.
If we know that we have something to give back to the world, we shouldn’t hold back, just like we don’t when it comes to our loved ones.
With that in mind, I thought I’d re-share some of these articles I’d posted a while back and know that these could be of use to you as you’re either in lockdown or under curfew, just as I am.
Maybe you’re rethinking your business or want to design your life with intention and purpose. I think the articles will help you with that process.
And even if you’re comfortable where you are, maybe you’ll get some new ideas?
Let me know if you have questions or if something resonated with you.
Achieving Goals and Improving Life in Two Hours
Finding Your Life’s Purpose Using the Principles of Design Thinking
11 Habits of Successful People
The Path to Self-Love – shared by Michele Diane Mayer of Reiki de l’Ile
And if you’re ready to take your life to the next level with a tried and tested system that helps you achieve your goals faster, easier and with more certainty, check out the Success Roadmap below. It’s completely FREE!

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